Be your own MUSE

Pilates | Yoga | Sound

A place of grounding & acceptance.

Building wellness & community through classes, events & workshops.

MUSE // noun / a person or energy that is a source for inspirations & creativity.
To MUSE // verb / to muse is to be with, and to reflect on, one’s thoughts.

MUSE isn’t just a yoga or Pilates studio, She has been designed to build communities through wellness & holistic practices.

A space for the senses. From everything you see, hear, feel, smell, & taste, all are deeply thought about to give you the best experience, opening the sixth sense to the world.

MUSE’s versatile & sensory considerate design allows for any & all wellness, holistic & creative activities to be held & shared. With self-confidence & community at the forefront,

We promote thoughtful & reflective sessions to promote both physical & mental wellbeing. with an emphasis on breathwork & mindfulness,

Most of all, MUSE is a space for all to feel welcome & comfortable being themselves.

MUSE Classes & Events

As well as our regular schedule, we also frequently host visiting teachers & speakers. Always check our linktree & socials for up-to-date events

  • Had my first ever Pilates class today at Muse, it’s such an incredible space. Absolutely loved the class and the wonderful relaxation at the end, Gina is so lovely, she made it easy for me to follow and made me feel so relaxed, felt so energised but relaxed at the same time, will definitely be booking for next week. Thoroughly recommend Muse.


  • My favourite place, whether it’s a super grounding Yoga session, Pilates practice as the sun comes up or an immersive sound bath I always come away feeling incredible and reconnected. Gina and her wonderful team of teachers are so incredibly welcoming and lovely. I always look forward to the special events too, wreath making at the weekend was so much fun and great to time out and get creative. Thank you for creating such an amazing space Gina!


  • Hey Gina, I’ve loved your classes this week SO much, it’s been so lovely to get back to doing something I enjoy and I feel great for it 🧘‍♀️ in big part thanks to your lovely gentle teaching.


  • Thank you! It has been really wonderful doing it these past weeks and I feel fantastic from it! The sessions have been really great. The environment at Muse is so grounding and sensuous. I leave every Pilates session connected to my body, totally relaxed, with a sense of real accomplishment and just the right amount of muscle burn. 😆


  • Thank you so much for tonight’s sound bath it was so incredible. I feel elevated and light! Muse offers such a safe space to be who you truly are, makes you feel so welcomed & comfortable. All of the gorgeous souls that come to muse are just that, gorgeous. I feel so lucky & grateful that muse is on my doorstep. Both angelic reiki & the sound bath have made me feel like me & is completely awakening something inside of me & showing me my path. Thank you so much again 🤍
