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Manifest That Shit - The Empowerment Queen

Are you ready to move through your blocks, heal from the past & get clarity on what it is you really want!?

This is a New Year special Breathwork workshop created & facilitated by Kady, The Empowerment Queen, a Holistic Empowerment Coach, Breathwork Facilitator & Female Sexuality Practitioner.

This workshop is here to support you to stop settling, playing small & embody the energy to become a vibrational match for the dreams you’ve never even voiced before.

You'll be working somatically, with breath, sound & movement to release the doubts, limiting beliefs, judgements, fears & suppressed emotions that have been holding you back from creating the life you truly desire & deserve.

This is an empowering workshop that will have you feeling motivated, alive & lit up by life!


*Intentions & journaling practice

*Breathwork demo, practice & guidance

*Conscious Connected Breathwork journey

*Q&A, sharing & integration support


Please note, if you are in your first trimester of pregnancy, have a history of psychotic episodes, have experienced seizures / epilepsy, have experienced cataracts, any neurological conditions or cardiovascular disease it is advise you do not participate in the session.

If you have a health condition you're concerned about, please speak to you GP before booking.


* Please bring lots of water as it’s very important to hydrate after Breathwork 

* Wear layers (definitely bring socks) as temperature fluctuations with Breathwork are very common! Loose clothing is best as anything restrictive will impact your comfort when breathing - think pyjama type bottoms work best if possible or anything without a thick waistband. 

* Bring your journal & a pen for our self exploration practice before & to note down about your experience after 

* Breathwork works best on am empty-ish stomach so please eat your last full meal 1.5 hours before arriving at the workshop. It is very important to make sure you have eaten & nourished yourself or this can lead to lots of dizziness.


Conscious Connected Breathwork is a form of somatic therapy working with the body (where we store emotions & trauma) instead of talking, like traditional therapeutic approaches.

The umbrella term for the method in this workshop used is “Conscious Connected Breathwork”, but please note Kady blends a range of techniques to create her own unique style.

In this session you’ll be guided to come out of your busy mind & access an altered state of consciousness, it’s within this state that the we’re able to process past unhealed experiences, access new perspectives, connect to our truth & make shifts on a cellular level.

Many people feel lighter, more free, empowered after processing & receive divine guidance to support them where they’re at in their journeys.


“I’ve done several other forms of holistic therapies before, but Breathwork with Kady knocks them out them out park.

It was the most wonderfully relieving and spiritual experience I’ve ever had. I recommend everyone who’s open to personal development to try Breathwork with Kady, it will be the best decision you’ve made for a while!”


“It was the most euphoric, divine, higher power energy experience. I felt my eyes watering with pure joy. I came out feeling so positive and excited about life and I don’t think I’ve ever felt like that before. The whole thing was I am on this earth for a reason my presence is noticeable and I am special!



Meet Kady, The Empowerment Queen.

A straight talking, shame slaying, spiritual (without the woo) Holistic Empowerment Coach, Breathwork Facilitator & Female Sexuality Practitioner.

Kady supports women to unapologetically accept & express ALL parts of themselves so they can stop playing small, settling for less & lead their bravest, most authentic & aligned lives without caring about what people think.

Through her deep dive 1:1 containers, group programmes, retreats & events, Kady has supported 100’s of women around the world to reclaim their power over the doubts, fears & insecurities that have been holding them back & create true, Embodied internal freedom. Kady believes it’s only then that we are able to experience it in our external realities.

IG - @the_empowerment_queen

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