Be your own MUSE

Pilates | Yoga | Sound

A place of grounding & acceptance.

Building wellness & community through classes, events & workshops.

MUSE // noun / a person or energy that is a source for inspirations & creativity.
To MUSE // verb / to muse is to be with, and to reflect on, one’s thoughts.

MUSE isn’t just a yoga or Pilates studio, She has been designed to build communities through wellness & holistic practices.

A space for the senses. From everything you see, hear, feel, smell, & taste, all are deeply thought about to give you the best experience, opening the sixth sense to the world.

MUSE’s versatile & sensory considerate design allows for any & all wellness, holistic & creative activities to be held & shared. With self-confidence & community at the forefront,

We promote thoughtful & reflective sessions to promote both physical & mental wellbeing. with an emphasis on breathwork & mindfulness,

Most of all, MUSE is a space for all to feel welcome & comfortable being themselves.

MUSE Classes & Events

As well as our regular schedule, we also frequently host visiting teachers & speakers. Always check our linktree & socials for up-to-date events