Body Confidence Affirmations


Affirmation & subliminal audio are an incredibly powerful support tool for your manifesting & self-development journey.

In this body confidence affirmation, I will guide you into relaxation, a place of calm. Starting with some guided breathwork to help slow, ground & connect you to your mind within the present. Then I will repeat empowering, positive & relative affirmations with calm, relaxing mediative music. The music has been chosen specifically to support these affirmations.

The affirmations have been curated to aid removing blockages & challenges you face relating to body confidence, self-image & self-worth.

Which to choose, affirmation or subliminal?...
Affirmations are a fantastic way of connecting to the self-development messages you have chosen. By listening & repeating the messages, either internally or out loud, you will fill your mind with positivity, leaving little room for any negativity & you will start to reprogram your thoughts. You will be able to reframe any unwanted thoughts & replace with your positive affirmation, with or without the audio playing.

Subliminal audios are a deeper way of the subconscious mind drawing in these messages. Your subconscious mind & body works the systems such as breathing & blinking, the functional bodily systems that work unconsciously such as the digestive system. When we heal from an injury or when a woman becomes pregnant, the subconscious body does all the work with little input from the conscious. You can listen to the music during any part of the day or night & be taking in the chosen messages without even hearing them.
The subconscious mind is particularly susceptible to positive messaging in the window between being awake & falling asleep.

Please note – in the subliminal files you will not hear any words or talking. This is because the frequency is set so that the messages are received by the subconscious mind, deeply embedding the messages.

When to listen…
Best effective when listened to daily in the evening as part of your morning &/or bedtime evening routine & when you go to bed. It is even more powerful when played as you fall to & throughout your sleep.
The more often you listen, the more effective it will become & the more impact it will have.
For this affirmation, it is best to listen at any point of the day during rest or during activities.

Please read additional info on how to use & save your downloads.

Medical conditions: Please seek medical advice if you have any medical conditions that could be impacted by following the guided breathwork.

I am ready for self-acceptance

Affirmation & subliminal audio are an incredibly powerful support tool for your manifesting & self-development journey.

In this body confidence affirmation, I will guide you into relaxation, a place of calm. Starting with some guided breathwork to help slow, ground & connect you to your mind within the present. Then I will repeat empowering, positive & relative affirmations with calm, relaxing mediative music. The music has been chosen specifically to support these affirmations.

The affirmations have been curated to aid removing blockages & challenges you face relating to body confidence, self-image & self-worth.

Which to choose, affirmation or subliminal?...
Affirmations are a fantastic way of connecting to the self-development messages you have chosen. By listening & repeating the messages, either internally or out loud, you will fill your mind with positivity, leaving little room for any negativity & you will start to reprogram your thoughts. You will be able to reframe any unwanted thoughts & replace with your positive affirmation, with or without the audio playing.

Subliminal audios are a deeper way of the subconscious mind drawing in these messages. Your subconscious mind & body works the systems such as breathing & blinking, the functional bodily systems that work unconsciously such as the digestive system. When we heal from an injury or when a woman becomes pregnant, the subconscious body does all the work with little input from the conscious. You can listen to the music during any part of the day or night & be taking in the chosen messages without even hearing them.
The subconscious mind is particularly susceptible to positive messaging in the window between being awake & falling asleep.

Please note – in the subliminal files you will not hear any words or talking. This is because the frequency is set so that the messages are received by the subconscious mind, deeply embedding the messages.

When to listen…
Best effective when listened to daily in the evening as part of your morning &/or bedtime evening routine & when you go to bed. It is even more powerful when played as you fall to & throughout your sleep.
The more often you listen, the more effective it will become & the more impact it will have.
For this affirmation, it is best to listen at any point of the day during rest or during activities.

Please read additional info on how to use & save your downloads.

Medical conditions: Please seek medical advice if you have any medical conditions that could be impacted by following the guided breathwork.

Affirmation & subliminal audio are an incredibly powerful support tool for your manifesting & self-development journey.

In this body confidence affirmation, I will guide you into relaxation, a place of calm. Starting with some guided breathwork to help slow, ground & connect you to your mind within the present. Then I will repeat empowering, positive & relative affirmations with calm, relaxing mediative music. The music has been chosen specifically to support these affirmations.

The affirmations have been curated to aid removing blockages & challenges you face relating to body confidence, self-image & self-worth.

Which to choose, affirmation or subliminal?...
Affirmations are a fantastic way of connecting to the self-development messages you have chosen. By listening & repeating the messages, either internally or out loud, you will fill your mind with positivity, leaving little room for any negativity & you will start to reprogram your thoughts. You will be able to reframe any unwanted thoughts & replace with your positive affirmation, with or without the audio playing.

Subliminal audios are a deeper way of the subconscious mind drawing in these messages. Your subconscious mind & body works the systems such as breathing & blinking, the functional bodily systems that work unconsciously such as the digestive system. When we heal from an injury or when a woman becomes pregnant, the subconscious body does all the work with little input from the conscious. You can listen to the music during any part of the day or night & be taking in the chosen messages without even hearing them.
The subconscious mind is particularly susceptible to positive messaging in the window between being awake & falling asleep.

Please note – in the subliminal files you will not hear any words or talking. This is because the frequency is set so that the messages are received by the subconscious mind, deeply embedding the messages.

When to listen…
Best effective when listened to daily in the evening as part of your morning &/or bedtime evening routine & when you go to bed. It is even more powerful when played as you fall to & throughout your sleep.
The more often you listen, the more effective it will become & the more impact it will have.
For this affirmation, it is best to listen at any point of the day during rest or during activities.

Please read additional info on how to use & save your downloads.

Medical conditions: Please seek medical advice if you have any medical conditions that could be impacted by following the guided breathwork.

What you will receive…
In the files, I repeat empowering, positive & relative affirmations with calm, mediative or nature inspired music in both the affirmation & subliminal audios.
Please note – in the subliminal files you will not hear any words or talking. This is because the frequency is set so that the messages are received by the subconscious mind, deeply embedding the messages.

Which to choose, affirmation or subliminal?...
Affirmations are a fantastic way of connecting to the self-development messages you have chosen.
By listening & repeating the messages, either internally or out loud, you will fill your mind with positivity, leaving little room for any negativity & you will start to reprogram your thoughts. You will be able to reframe any unwanted thoughts & replace with your positive affirmation, with or without the audio playing.

Subliminals are a deeper way of the subconscious mind drawing in these messages. Your subconscious mind & body works the systems such as breathing & blinking, the functional bodily systems that work unconsciously such as the digestive system. When we heal from an injury or when a woman becomes pregnant, the subconscious body does all the work with little input from the conscious.
You can listen to the music during any part of the day or night & be taking in the chosen messages without even hearing them.
The subconscious mind is particularly susceptible to positive messaging in the window between being awake & falling asleep.

How to listen…
Listening on your mobile
After purchase, you will receive an email containing the file(s) purchased.
Click on the download link provided. Click on the download link provided. Please download the file(s) as soon as you receive them as we are unable to resend them.
Your browser will prompt you to open the recording. 
We recommend saving the download to your mobile device’s files so you can easily listen again & again.

Listening on your desktop
After purchase, you will receive an email containing the file(s) purchased.
Click on the download link provided. Please download the file(s) as soon as you receive them as we are unable to resend them.
Most commonly these downloads will be placed by your device into the ‘Downloads’ folder for future use.
Select the track to allow the MP3 to open on your desktop default media player. 
Be sure to save your files securely in your preferred desktop folder after downloading to make sure you can find it in the future.

These files are for personal use only and not to be resold.

With special thanks to Punch Deck for the empowering music.